What Is A Rainwater Hopper?

Everything You Need to Know About Rainwater Hoppers

Rainwater hoppers, also known as hopper heads, are an essential part of any guttering system. They sit at the top of the drainpipe and help to increase water flow during periods of heavy rainfall. In this blog post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about rainwater hoppers, from their purpose to the different types available.

What is the purpose of a rainwater hopper?

The purpose of a rainwater hopper is to increase the flow of water during heavy rainfall. Down pipes are typically only a third full when diverting water away, but the hopper enables them to reach capacity. This means that larger volumes of water can be diverted away from your property, reducing the risk of water damage.

When are rainwater hoppers used?

Traditionally, rainwater hoppers were used in all guttering systems to increase water flow. However, in modern times, they’re mostly used when the standard connection to a drainpipe isn’t suitable for the application. For example, they can be used when there is a waterspout in use or when there are multiple gutter runs going into one drainpipe. They can also be used to provide a decorative touch to the outside of a property.

What types of rainwater hoppers are available?

There are various types of rainwater hoppers available, and these differ in terms of appearance and size. Here are some examples of the different types of hoppers:

Cast iron rainwater hopper

Cast iron rainwater hoppers are perfect for older properties, listed buildings, and others that have more traditional features. They look just like the real thing but are built from high-quality uPVC instead of cast iron. This makes them lighter, more cost-effective, and less prone to rusting.

Aluminium rainwater hopper

Aluminium rainwater hoppers work perfectly in conjunction with seamless aluminium guttering systems. As these systems can divert large volumes of water, they’re ideal for detached properties, new developments, commercial properties, and others with larger roofing areas.

uPVC rainwater hopper

uPVC is a low maintenance material that is also extremely durable. For this reason, it’s an excellent material for use in the construction of hopper heads. uPVC rainwater hoppers are cost-effective and require minimal maintenance.


Rainwater hoppers are an essential part of any guttering system. They help to increase water flow during periods of heavy rainfall and can be used to provide a decorative touch to the outside of a property. There are various types of hoppers available, each with its own unique features and benefits. If you’re looking to install or replace your guttering system, be sure to consider the different types of rainwater hoppers available to find one that suits your needs.

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